- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
- Teacher Resources
- General History
- Specialized History
- Autobiography and Fictionalization
- Reflections
- Literary Criticism
- Art and Poetry
- Articles
- Book Reviews
- Specialized Bibliographies
- Roma and Sinti (Gypsies)
- Diary and Memoirs
- Anne Frank
- Art in the Third Reich
- Degenerate Art
- International Art Trade
- Looted Art
Bibliographies on Other Sites
Allentown Holocaust Resource Center Bibliography prepared by Ned Shulman
Anne Frank Center, USA: An annotated bibliography with middle school, high school, and adult sections about Anne Frank
Bibliography for Children and Young Adults, James Madison University
The Cybrary's bibliography of fiction, memoirs, diaries, poetry, drama, art, and literary criticism.
The Cybrary's bibliography of general and specialized history.
Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography
Holocaust Resource List from the Northern Michigan University's Lydia M. Olson Library (text document)
Jewish Children in Books Bibliography by Wendy Lanehart, Inez Ramsey, and Sharon Gale
The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals: An Annotated Bibliography of Nonfiction Sources in English by Gerard Koskovich
Roman Catholic clergyin Nazi camps and prisons.
Women and the Holocaust Bibliography by the United States Holocaust Museum Research Library
Children's Books about the Holocaust: A Selective Annotated Bibliography compiled by the Holocaust Resource Center and Archives:
Wiesenthal Center Bibliographies:
- Anne Frank
- American Responses to the Holocaust
- Antisemitism In the United States
- Antisemitism in the World
- Basic Bibliography on the Holocaust
- Children's Literature
- Curricular Resources for Teachers
- Elementary School Bibliography
- Exploitation of Art in the Third Reich
- Former Yugoslavia
- Genocide
- Hannah Senesh
- Hidden Children
- High School Bibliography
- Hitler Youth
- Holocaust Denial
- Holocaust Survivors
- Immigration to Palestine
- Janusz Korczak
- Jews of Czechoslovakia
- Jews In Shanghai
- Kindertransport
- Kristallnacht
- Liberation of the Camps: Revealing the Unspeakable
- Medical Experimentation in World War II
- Music in the Holocaust and the Third Reich
- Nazi Children's Literature
- Nazi Propaganda
- Nazi War Criminals and Trials
- Oskar Schindler and Other Rescuers
- Periodicals on the Holocaust
- Prejudice and Stereotypes
- Resources for Librarians: Reference Works
- Righteous among the Nations
- Searching for Nazi War Criminals
- Simon Wiesenthal
- Terezin
- Theological Aspects of the Holocaust
- Tolerance
- The Vatican and Nazi Germany
- Victims and Survivors
- Raoul Wallenberg
- Warsaw Ghetto
- The Warsaw Ghetto Anthology
- White Supremacy Movements
- Young Adults Bibliography
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2005.