1966. As a helicopter hovers above, the Gemini-12 spacecraft with parachute
open descends to the Atlantic with astronauts Jim Lovell and Edwin "Buzz"
Aldrin aboard.

Splashdown of Gemini 9A carrying astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas
Stafford at 9:00 a.m., June 6, 1966.

Gemini 10 spacecraft at splashdown.

Flying along the Indian River toward KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility
is the orbiter Columbia as it nears touchdown on Runway 33 to complete
the nearly 16-day STS-90 mission. This unique view with Titusville and
the Indian River in the background was taken from the roof of the 525-foot-high
Vehicle Assembly Building.

1989. The Space Shuttle Atlantis returns to Earth after mission STS-30
landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California. On this mission, the
shuttle deployed the un-manned Magellan spacecraft to explore the planet

The Space Shuttle Columbia, returning to KSC after the successful STS-32
mission, is poised atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) as the duo
fly by the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at KSC January 26, 1990.

1992. As the sun rises the morning of April 2, it casts a rosy glow
over a steller performer, the orbiter Atlantis parked on Runway 33 of
the Shuttle Landing Facility. This completed the highly successful mission
STS-45 that was extended by one day to further scientific research on
the ATLAS-1 payload.

1992. The newest addition to the Space Shuttle orbiter fleet, Endeavour,
arrives at KSC atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft on May 7. OV-105
will be demated from the Boeing aircraft, and towed to the Vehicle Assembly
Building for installation of several major flight components.

1997. Framed by the Vehicle Assembly Building in the distance, at left,
and the Mate-Demate Device, the Space Shuttle Atlantis with its drag
chute deployed touches down on KSC's Runway 33 at the conclusion of
STS-84 mission.

1997. The Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis touches down on Runway 15 of
the Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at the conclusion
of the nearly 11-day STS-86 mission.

1998. Orbiter Discovery is riding on its main landing gear as it lowers
its nose wheel after touching down on Runway 33 at the Shuttle Landing
Facility. Main gear touchdown was at 12:04 p.m. EST, landing on orbit

1998. A flock of birds takes flight as the orbiter Columbia, with its
drag chute deployed, touches down on Runway 22 of KSC's Shuttle Landing
Facility to complete the nearly 16-day STS-90 mission.

1997. The orbiter drag chute deploys after the Space Shuttle orbiter
Atlantis lands on runway 15 of the Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing
Facility (SLF) at the conclusion of the nearly 11-day STS-86 mission.

The Space Shuttle orbiter Endeavour and its crew of six glide in to
Runway 15 at KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility after spending nine days
in space on the STS-72 mission, the first Shuttle flight of 1996. It
is the eighth night landing of the Shuttle since the program began in
1981, but only the third night landing at KSC.

1997. Takeoff of the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) with the Space
Shuttle Atlantis mated atop bound for Palmdale, California.

The Space Shuttle orbiter Endeavour passes over KSC's Shuttle Landing
Facility atop NASA's Boeing 747 Shuttle carrier Aircraft (SCA) as it
returns March 27, 1997 from Palmdale, California, after an eight-month
Orbiter Maintenance Down Period (OMDP).