The Concentration Camp
Nazi Conspiracy & Aggression
Volume I Chapter XI
The Network of Concentration Camps Nazi conquest was marked by the establishment of concentration camps over all of Europe. The following report on the location of concentration, camps, signed by Pohl, an SS General who was in charge of concentration camp labor policies, indicates the scope of these activities:"1. At the outbreak of war there existed the following concentration camps: a. Dachau, 1939 4,000 prisoners, today 8,000. b. Sachsenhausen, 1939 6,500 prisoners, today 10,000. c. Buchenwald, 1939 5,300 prisoners, today 9,000. d. Mauthausen, 1939 1,600 prisoners, today 5,500. e. Flossenburg, 1939 1,600 prisoners, today 4,700. f. Ravensbrueck, 1939 2,500 prisoners, today 7,500.
"2. In the years 1940 to 1942 nine further camps were [Page 960] erected, viz.: a. Auschwitz (Poland) b. Neuengamme c. Gusen (Austria) d. Natzweiler (France) e. Gross-Rosen f. Lublin (Poland) g. Niederhagen h. Stutthof (near Danzig) i. Arbeitsdorf." (R-129)
In addition to these camps in occupied territory, there were many others. The official report by the Headquarters, Third US Army, Judge Advocate Section, War Crimes Branch, contains the following evidence: "Concentration Camp Flossenburg was founded in 1938 as a camp for political prisoners. Construction was commenced on the camp in 1938 and it was not until April 1940 that the first transport of prisoners was received. From this time on prisoners began to flow steadily into the camp. *** Flossenburg was the mother camp and under its direct control and jurisdiction were 47 satellite camps or outer-commandos for male prisoners and 27 camps for female workers. To these outer-commandos were supplied the necessary prisoners for the various work projects undertaken. "Of all these outer-commandos Hersbruck and Leitmeritz (in Czechoslovakia), Oberstaubling, Mulsen and Sall, located on the Danube, were considered to be the worst." (2309-PS)
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
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